- 2019's

- 2010's
2019 |
- Certification of Excellent Technology Evaluation Company from NICE D&B
- Merged to FINE Group
2018 |
NET(New Excellent Technology) certification from Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
→ Manufacturing Technology of Underwater Towing Cable
- Signed NDA with ASELSAN, Turkey
- Signed agent agreement with AOSAN, Turkey
2017 |
- Received order for KDX-3, Batch-2 from Hanwha & ADD “Variable Depth Tow Cable Assembly and Fairing“ [2.7billion won]
- Acquired patent for SUBMARINE COMPOSITION CABLE1 (Patent No. : 10-1768004)
- Acquired patent for SUBMARINE COMPOSITION CABLE2 (Patent No. : 10-1772559)
2016 |
- Buoy Project (ADD)
→ Participated in development of Buoy type underwater surveillance system
→ Supplied sensor and signal transmission cable assembly and fairing [480million won]
- Acquired R&D project from DTaQ[Defense Agency for Technology and Quality]
→ Development of optical fiber type underwater towing cables assembly [4.8billion won/3years]
2015 |
- Development of 2,000psi(≒138bar) cable termination for underwater towing cable
- Set up manufacturing & environmental test equipment for mass production of underwater towing cable
→ Liquid dispensing system equipment for water tightness of cable core part
→ Ram Cart Assembly Kit for high-tension exterior filling
→ Preforming & Postforming equipment
→ Water penetration test equipment up to 2,000psi
2014 |
- Acquired R&D project from ADD(Agency for Defense Development) [4.5billion won/3years]
→ Project name : “Development of underwater mobile towing cable”
→ 2014.06 ~ 2017.06 development complete
2013 |
- Incorporated Woobang Cable Co., Ltd. (Okcheon, Chungbuk) as a subsidiary
- Ulleungdo, Dokdo(both are island in East sea) Project : Participated in multipurpose ocean surveillance system with KIOST and Hanwha
→ Development multipurpose submarine optical & power complex cable and underwater sensor cable
2012 |
- Venture company certification, INNO BIZ certification, establishment of R&D center
2010 |
- Set up mass production system for submarine cable(manufacturing equipment and reliability test equipment)
[Complete development of Copper Tubing Technology]
2010 ~ 2006 |
- Development of the NAIMS[Naval Acoustic Information Management System] hosted by Hanwha and ADD
- 2006~2008 Participated in the Ulleungdo project hosted by Korea Meteorological Administration
→ Development of submarine opto-electric cable for geological and tsunami monitoring system
- Exported Automotive Wire Plant to UzEraeCable, Navoiy, Uzbekistan(manufacturing equipment & technical assistance by turnkey basis)
[USD 6million]